Monday, April 6, 2015

Macam mana nak buat? OMG

Arggghhhhhhh still in dilemma.... Confuse la...whether form 6,matrix, upu,kptm or kpm...*sigh.. Haaaaaaa..
Okok think like professional.. Emmm
All my passion just want to be professional what should I do...though people already know ..they were a lot of way to be accountant... But when I rethink about it..emmm you know now days ramai graduan yg unemployed although they got their own degree with flaying colors pointer plus first class Honor's student sekali kena la ambik sijil professional if nak jadi professional accounting to be insyaAllah jika Ada rezeki Aminn....haha but the problem is where on earth in malaysia's upu yg offer course tuu.hahhh *sigh..klu ipts aku tau la berlambak tapi my parents sah2 tak kan bagi mcm dekat kptm Kuala Lumpur tuu sbb diorang  cakap dekat kl tuu "dah la kl tu bandar mcm2 boleh jadi..banyak sangat bahaya..actually everywhere Ada bahaya kann...then living cost too much expensive la and blablabla...then what else??? banyak laaa...I've to admit sometimes parent's couldn't to be trusted... Because they're master in manipulated their's child minds....well just trying to pulling my's legs indeed..hahha
Fee course tu pon bukanya cheap...beribu jugak laaa...mcm CAT program bape ribu yuran dya....susah pulak tuu exam dya..if I could not adapt on learning that subject and fail exam dya..kena pulak la repeat paper..arghhhh takotnyaaaa...makkkkk repeat paper kena pakai duit lagii...well as I said program ni mmg mahal so exam paper dya pon mhal la sbb paper exam tu dari UK...diorang ni yg prepared exam papers for this conclusion nyee MACAM MANA NAK BUAT......
mummy daddy help me please...for the God's sake....
Ya Allah mudahkan la urusanku...

Monday, March 16, 2015

When my mind become ting tong..

If I my mood swing.....what can I do to cheers up my self hah..emmm
Frankly speaking... I don't no how to start it...but tak tau nak story dekat sapa yang boleh to be trusted then I wrote in this blog je la..
Banyak dah dugaan yang aku tempuh since dari kecil...
Susah sangat bagi aku nak buka mulut cerita problem dekat my friends even my family,my parent especially...
I don't no la...what kind of person I am???...suka pendam problem sorang2,sedih sorang2,nangis sorang2(but crying is not only for craying baby and weakness..right???) then at last aku yang makan hati sorang2...

#ingat senang Kerr aku nak story problem aku dalam blog ni...
#pikir 10 Kali kot